Quality policy
Our company provides transport and forwarding services of chemical products (including hazardous materials) on national and international routes as well as diagnostic and repair workshop services of the quality matching a customer`s expectations, thanks to the commitment of employees at all the levels of the organisation and the improvement of management methods.
The way we manage the company ensures:
Services of quality agreed with a customer, including:
reliability, modernity and promptness of supplies thanks to the improvement of organisation and safety of work,
Reputation of a reliable, well-disposed and trustworthy partner thanks to the individual approach to a customer and relations based on partnership,
Systematic improvement of employees` qualifications as the customer`s quality requirements become greater,
Fulfilment of legal requirements and a continuing increase in efficiency of the Quality System Management (in accordance with EN ISO 9001:2008).
Health, Safety and Environment Policy
Each employee of PTS "AUTOZAK" Sp. z o.o. is personally responsible for the safety and protection of health and environment.
Our objectives are as follows:
- to ensure safety of the transported products according to the ADR convention,
- to follow the Behavior Based Safety programme while driving (BBS),
- reliability of means of transport through continuous technical inspection of the fleet used,
- to prevent accidents at work, occupational diseases and events which potentially may lead to accidents,
- to observe a ban on alcohol and drugs during working hours and work performance by people under influence of these substances,
- to protect the man and his/her property against a loss connected with impudent damage or theft,
- to take care of the employees` health by providing them with continuous medical care and trying to permanently improve health and safety at work,
- to take actions aimed at improving a state of the natural environment and ensuring the conformity with the legal requirements including:
- reduction of emission to the air connected with fuel combustion in cars,
- taking advantage of the latest available technologies in transport and investments,
- prevention of emergency events,
- waste as well as water and sewage management to ensure the reduction of the effect on the environment to a minimum.