PTS "AUTOZAK" Sp. z o.o. directly continues the operation of the former Zakład Transportu Samochodowego (ZTS) which was a part of Zakłady Azotowe "Kędzierzyn" S.A. (ZAK S.A.) since 1948 and in 2008 celebrated its 60th anniversary.
ZTS services were provided exclusively to ZAK S.A. Until the end of the late 1980`s, ZTS performed mainly tasks connected with employees` transport and providing equipment required for the repair services rendered by ZAK S.A. Transport of raw materials and products was a secondary activity performed by a dozen or so trucks, dumpers and tankers of only 13 m3 capacity.
Since1989 the carriage potential of liquid chemical products and condensed gases has gradually expanded. ZTS started to specialise in transport of liquid chemical products and industrial gases according to the requirements of the ADR European Agreement. The best equipment - semi-trailers of tankers by the renowned European companies (HENDRICKS, DIJKSTRA, HOBUR, VM, LAG and KLESSER) made of acid- proof steel combined with a proper level of service by the experienced staff ensures the highest quality transport services.
In 1997 Zakłady Azotowe "Kędzierzyn" S.A. was awarded a PN - ISO 9002 Certificate for the production of selected chemical materials, energy products and for the car transport. At that time ZTS operated according to the principles of internal accounting.
On 31 July, 1998 at the District Court in Opole Przedsiębiorstwo Transportowo-Spedycyjne "AUTOZAK" Sp. z o.o.
was registered taking over all the functions of the former Zakład Transportu Samochodowego. In December 2012, the Board of ZAK SA signed an agreement to sell 100% of the shares of the subsidiary PTS AUTOZAK Sp. z o.o. to the company Solidaris Sp.z o.o.